House Budget Amendment Co-sponsors

The House Ways and Means budget was released, and amendments were filed by Representatives. Now we need to rally co-sponsors to the amendments that we want incorporated. SUPER easy ask: you just need to reach out to your Representatives and ask them to co-sponsor amendments 44 (100% regional transportation) and 95 (commission to study regional school funding and governance). Best method for requesting co-sponsorship is by phone, with email and social media as second and third options (contact info linked below - find your district and all the information for your Reps should be there). We've also included a set of other amendments at the bottom of the page that may be of interest to certain districts below as well. The full set of amendments can be accessed here if you want to check out the language in any of these amendments. You can find a short document here that can be sent along to your legislators by email if you'd like to include a description of the amendments.

Sample language:

Representative [last name],

Please co-sponsor House Budget amendments 44 and 95 for the benefit of our regional school districts.

Thank you,



Representatives by RSD 2019.pdf

Other amendments that may be of interest:

  • 244: $17M increase in McKinney-Vento line (homeless student transportation)
  • 340: remove the new charter transitional reimbursement language
  • 514: $116M for Low Income foundation aid
  • 932: 85% Regional Transportation
  • 946: drops the Circuit Breaker "floor" from 4x the state average foundation budget to 3x.
  • 992: $50 per pupil Minimum Aid
  • 1150: $9M in Rural School Aid (under 21 students/sq mile is the qualifier)