2019 Supplemental Budget

On September 9, 2019, Governor Baker released a supplemental budget bill. Included in that bill was $1.2M for Regional School Transportation Reimbursement (budget line 7035-0006) and $2M for Circuit Breaker Special Education Reimbursement (budget line 7061-0012). Like other financial bills, this bill will need travel through House Ways & Means -> House -> Senate Ways & Means->Senate ->Conference Committee before heading back to the Governor.

As the legislature is working on this bill, these lines could be removed, increased, or decreased. Our goal is to keep them where they are now or higher through the entire process. Please reach out to your legislators (contact info here) and ask for their help in getting all MA Regional School districts more funding via the Supplemental Budget!

Sample Email:

Please support our schools by voting to maintain or increase the $1.2M Regional School Transportation (7035-0006) and $2M Circuit Breaker Special Education Reimbursement (7061-0012) in the FY19 Supplemental Budget bill H.4067. Our students need your help!

Thank you,

